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 Breckie Slope hints Olivia Dunne has obstructed her in secretive TikTok as fans pick sides

The forces to be reckoned with have for some time been engaged with a fight via online entertainment that was at first lighted by Breckie Slope as Olivia Dunne apparently referred to her foe in her most recent TikTok

TikTok's most notorious contention between Olivia Dunne and Breckie Slope keeps on warming up on the web-based entertainment stage.

LSU gymnast Dunne is now arguably the most well-known college athlete, with 4 million Instagram followers and 7.4 million TikTok followers.

The fight between the two perfect stars started when Slope, who many have said seems to be like Dunne, started alluding to herself as "Livvy with cannons".

The 20-year-old gymnastic specialist didn't mess with to Slope's self-delegated epithet as she hit back with a post that read: " I'm glad I don't have cannons because I can do wicked flips and get free transportation to college.

Which TikTok star is most likely to enjoy popular support? If Hill's most recent post is any indication, she seems to have suggested that Dunne has blocked her on TikTok. Let us know what you think in the comments section below. The constant competition for dominance has reached a new level recently.

The text in Hill's video read, "Smiling because no matter how hard life gets I know that I’ll never block someone because they look like me."

Fans who sided with one side or the other in the influencer conflict posted a lot of comments as a result. A person wrote: Breckie for the success." While one more said: " Do whatever it takes not to be desirous of Livvy. Level: impossible."

When the influencer referred to Dunne as a "b****" in a video earlier this year, the two intensified their previous disagreements. The New Jersey native has been in the news recently for her appearance in the Sports Illustrated May Swimsuit Issue, not for her TikTok battles.

Many people praised Dunne for her success because she used the spotlight to respond to those who claim that she has achieved success by showing her body.

"Individuals generally remark stuff that they could never tell you directly, so a piece of it is simply having created hard skin. She told SI Swimsuit that social media is difficult.

"I believe it is essential to advocate for oneself. Perhaps it's the Jersey young lady in me, yet I think young ladies need to know it [isn't] alright [for individuals to say that], particularly [because I'm] posting things that some other school youngster would post in.

"Or I'm dressed in a leotard, which is the gymnast's uniform. It is absurd."

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